Code: | Result: |
owmybrains | Cures any character that is frozen or suffering from a mental effect. |
leetbuffz | Gives all your characters different blessings |
iwanttobestronger | Gives you some experience. The higher your party's level, the less experience you get. |
giveasnack | Gives your selected character some cake. |
ouchouchouch | Heals and cures your group. |
showmeall | Make all characters (including invisible ones) appear on your automap. |
pleaselikeme | Makes all of the areas in the game forget your crimes. If you were hated, you will now be liked. Major crimes won't be forgotten. |
imdrained | Recharge your spell energy. |
backtostart | Returns you to Fort Monastery. |
dontshowmeall | Stop making all characters appear on your automap. |